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Viciebsk (Vitebsk) recent comments:

  • The evangelical church "New Life", ashwini (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Do they have an english service?
  • Смоленский рынок , Agnessa Savina (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Ja ishu zhenshinu rabotajushuju v etom rinke,l jejo zovut Margorita Savina, tjomnije volosi, zeljonije glaza. srochno, moj mail -
  • Cemetery, Сергей (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    это что ещё такое?
  • Clinic of Vitebsk State Medical University, surgeon21 wrote 13 years ago:
    Consultations of professors, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation. Plastic surgery. +375 212 223884, +375 212 274327
  • Гимназия № 8, Virt (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Во временя СССР это была отличная школа, сейчас лажа :)
  • Vitebsky Central Sport Complex, Amateur_V (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Vitebsk - The Champion !!!
  • Yurjeva Gorka park, Dobroreb wrote 16 years ago:
    Зимой на лыжах здесь классно!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Гимназия № 8, And Justice for all... (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Уже в гимназию N8 переименовали((
  • Гимназия № 8, And Justice for all... (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
  • Pedagogical State University, Sergey (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Vitebsk State University named by P.M.Masherov